Thursday, January 06, 2005

Elevate My Soul

Another day setting in my life and I'm finally feeling better. I've had bad
luck lately with health. If it wasn't migraines or tension headaches, it was
killer colds or stomach viruses. And I don't even want to go into the stress
caused by the rising mound of medical bills... So it's a good day when all I
have is a headache that I rid myself of by midday with medication. The
stomach virus I've had seems to be waning and my appetite is returning

I'm going to revel in this day, quietly.


1 comment:

TotallyHappened said...

"And I don't even want to go into the stress
caused by the rising mound of medical bills... "

I hear ya!

Hope you're doign better. I'm still fighting it out with the pneumonia and these blasted broken ribs!